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A nicaraguan folktale

  Nicaragua.com: La Carretanagua is considered the embodiment of Nicaraguan folklore and mythology. The tale is a blend of past realities and imaginative oral culture. Apparently, the story of La Carretanagua is based on caravans of Spaniards who conquered the land during the 16th century. As the ox carts moved through the land the Spaniards would plunder the Indian settlements, taking their gold and supplies as well as capturing slaves. Slaves were chained and led along on these journeys as the Spanish carts left ruin and death in their wake. Legend states that La Carretanagua makes his way through towns from about 1:00 am, making a racket as his ancient oxen pull his cart along. Individuals who say they have heard him in the night have discovered that one of the town's citizens is dead the next day. Those have 'seen' this mysterious entourage of oxen and lost souls say that it moves quickly and is unable to turn corners due to is cross shape, simply disappearing as it

La Virgen de la Merced, patroncita de León

" Los leoneses celebran con mucho respeto y devoción a su patrona la Virgen de La Merced, considerada también como su protectora en momentos cruciales como desastres naturales o guerras, también los matagalpinos la adoptaron como patrona y desde 1998 Monseñor Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano extendió su “patronato” a todas las parroquias de la Diócesis ..." Leones y matagalpinos celebran a La Virgen de la Merced People from Leon celebrate with great respect and devotion to their patroness the Virgin of La Merced, also regarded as their protector at crucial moments such as natural disasters or wars. "Bajo un torrencial aguacero y en medio de una multitud de feligreses, la imagen de Nuestra Señora de La Merced, patrona de los leoneses, salió del Santuario de la iglesia del mismo nombre, totalmente cubierta con una capa plástica, que protegía a la venerada imagen de la inclemencia de la naturaleza" .... Bajo llu

The Story of La Purísima and La Gritería

"The Spanish colonizers brought Catholicism and traditional religious celebrations to Central America. With fervor and piety, the native populations embraced Mary as their Patron Saint and church ceremonies were adopted and modified to mix with the native culture. There does not appear to be any one definitive history of how the veneration of Mary became a cultural custom in Nicaragua. The story is pieced together from a variety of explanations but tells us that the veneration of Mary began in 1562. Her image came to the village of El Viejo, carried by Pedro Alonso Sanchez de Zepeda y Ahumada, the brother of Saint Teresa of Avila, while traveling to Peru. Forced to remain while a tropical storm passed, he placed the statue of Mary in the local basilica. News of the image traveled through the region and many natives came see, pray, and worship the image. When Don Pedro departed, people traveled to the port to say goodbye to the beautiful image.  A new storm forced his return, and t